311 | 133
Crash Team Racing PSX ISO
350 MB
CTR has the staying power to convert people who haven't ever liked a
mascot racing game, and it will definitely please Mario Kart fans with
its many tracks and options.
The Crash Bandicoot series has always had pretty smooth graphics,
updating with the times quite nicely, and CTR is really no exception.
The environments are reasonably large, and they convey the cartoon-like
attitude of the game very nicely. The music and sound effects also push
the game's cartoon theme, but it's not too over the top, so the cutesy
themes never really get shoved down your throat.
Crash Team Racing may seem like just a Mario Kart clone. And, with
the exception of an additional mode or two and the superior track
design, it is. But it's a great Mario Kart clone, and it succeeds where
the likes of Mega Man, Bomberman, Diddy Kong, the Chocobo, and even
Mario himself have failed. CTR has the staying power to convert people
who haven't ever liked a mascot racing game, and it will definitely
please Mario Kart fans with its many tracks and options.
Használat: kiírod bármilyen képfájlt égető programmal 2x-en.
Igazoló" target="_blank" class="bb-url">gamespot.com/ps/driving/crashteamracing/index.html]Igazoló link
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